Lymphedema Management
Lymphedema is swelling of an extremity mostly affecting the legs or arms due to lymph nodes being removed or damaged through trauma, cancer, operations, blocked lymphatic system or genetics. Lymphedema cannot be healed but can be controlled by proper self-maintenance including wearing 24/7 compression garments. Compression garments are divided into day and night garments as well as reduction garments. This all play an important role in the compression management. The compression stockings can also be custom made according to patient preference to ensure comfort.
Circaid Reduction kits are used as custom fitting garments that act as an inelastic compression and that can be adjusted according to the patient’s needs. This system can replace bandaging, with the benefit of gradual compression that can be adjusted without removing the garment. These garments are available for lymphedema in the arm and hand as well as a full leg and foot. The circaid can be worn both as a day and night compression garment.
Mobiderm Autofit stockings has been designed to mobilize oedema during night time. It comes in a sleeve with mitten or full leg including the foot in order to maintain the work done by the day time compression stocking.
Comfiwave garments can be used as a day or night garment for upper or lower extremity and is easy to don and doff.
Compression Stockings
Compression stockings are used to apply gradual pressure to the legs or arms in order to enhance blood flow and reduce swelling . It is used in managing conditions such as varicose veins, lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency and thrombosis.
The type of compression stocking and class of compression being applied will depend on the condition being treated. Compression stockings are available as below knee stockings, thigh highs stocking or pantyhose. Arm compression stockings can be an armsleeve with/without a mitten or glove.
- Mild compression is used as flight socks or when tired legs are being treated.
- Moderate compression is for more severe swelling or varicose/spider veins.
- High compression is prescribed for very specific conditions such as lymphedema.